ATEX Balancer
ATEX balancer
Balancers whit aluminium body, polypropylene rope
Inox robe balancer
Inox robe balancer whit aluminium body
Inox robe balancer whit aluminium body and dyneema rope
Inox robe balancer whit nylon body
Nylon rope balancers
Tecna hose balancer
Tecna Zero Gravity Balancers 9361/9369 – Capacity 10/75 kg
Tecna zero Gravity Balancers 9431/9433 – Capacity 15/35 kg
Cable reel for battery charging
JSS - Cable tie
JSS - Detactable cable tie
JSS-ICE - Cable tie for cold environment
JSS-MET - Cable tie with inox tooth
JSS-MIX1200 - Cable tie mix
JSS-MIX800-COLOR - Cable tie mix color
MERK - Labeling tie MAXI
Astia- ja saattokannet rasvapumpuille
Drum cover with 2" thread
EKOT - Service plug
Lincoln 1 hand grease gun - 1132
Lincoln 2 hand grease gun - 1142
Lincoln akkulaturi 12/24V - 1415-A
Lincoln akkulaturi 230V - 1410-E
Lincoln battery 1201T - 12V
Lincoln battery 1401T - 14,4V
Lincoln battery 1801T - 18V
Lincoln vara-akku 1801 - 18V
Push-type grease gun
Samoa 1 hand grease gun - 62SG
Samoa 2 hand grease gun - 12SG
Lincoln 81387 - Z-swivel
Bayonet grease nipple B1 brass
4016 - Extension adapter
4019 - Extension 90°
70-U200K for cardan shafts, with hollow nozzle
70-U200S - DIN 3405 adaptor
70-U521 - DIN 3404 nozzle
Bayonet grease nipple B1 stainless steel
Bayonet grease nipple B1 steel
Douple grease nipple DIN71412 67°
Douple grease nipple DIN71412 90°
Grease nipple - 45° H2
Grease nipple - 45° H2 stainless steel
Grease nipple - 90° H3
Grease nipple - 90° H3 Stainless steel
Grease nipple - Straight (180°) H1
Grease nipple - Straight (180°) H1 stainless steel
Grease nipple M22 L=85mm
Greasenipple set - AISI 304
Greasing elbow 90° - 4018
Lincoln 3-leukasuutin - 5852
Lincoln kulmasuutin - 5883
Lincoln piikkijatkosuutin - 82784
Lincoln piikkisuutin - 5803
Rasvanippalajitelma - PR16090
Rasvauskulma 45° - 4017
Samoa - 4-Leukasuutin
SS4016 - Extension adapter AISI 316
Umeta 4-leukasuutin
70-L1230 - Lincoln battery operated grease gun hose
Grease gun hose
Grease pump hose with nozzle
PR9140216 - Bayonet nozzle
Samoa - Rasvaprässin letkut
ABS-AVAIN - Letkunkiristimen asennustyökalu
GERPIHTI - GER-kiristimien kiristyspihti
KNIPEX CoBolt ergo power pliers with spring
KNIPEX CoBolt power pliers
KNIPEX Cobra pipe pliers
KNIPEX Cobra pipe pliers 180mm
Mora 511 - Knife
RA3410 - Cutting plier
Vice jaw of hardened aluminium with rubber cover
70-E64038-S Greasepump kit
70-E64064-S Greasepump kit
70-E66599 - Rasvauslaitteen kantokahva
Ecodora 70-E80050
Kaatosuppilo suojakannella
Muovinen kaatokannu suojakannella
Öljyntäyttölaite paineilmatoiminen
Adapter for suction oil exchanger Ecodora
Depuroil - Suodatinyksikkö
Electric oil drainer CAMBIAOLIO
UMPCL2 045 - Argo Hytos Oil service unit
Wall mounted suction drainer
Argo Hytos - FA filter unit
70-E37703 - Mechanical oil meter
70-E38016 - Oil nozzle semi-automatic 16mm
70-E38022 - Digitaalinen öljypistooli
70-E38022 - Öljypistooli
70-E38116 - Oil nozzle automatic 16mm
70-E38185M - MID-Approved oil meter
70-E39610 - Oil flow meter - pulse
70-P0068700C - Digitaalinen öljypistooli
Oil gun spare hose Ecodora
Scangrip Nova 4K C+R
Scangrip SLIM lamp
SG-MAGPRO - Rechargeable LED torcs
SG-NOVA-CAR - Scangrip Nova 4K C+R car charger
SG-NOVA-EX-R - Recharcheable working LED light ATEX
SG-NOVA-R - Rechargeable working light
SG-ZONE2 - Rechargeable LED headlamp
Waste oil drainer for pit
Waste oil suction drainer 150L